classic flowers

Showing all 4 results

    Classic White and Green Bouquet


    Simply classic and beautiful. A gorgeous selection of white flowers and green foliage to make and elegant bouquet.

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    Classic White and Green


    Gorgeous mixed white flowers for your valentine, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied white bouquet will be made bespoke by a member of our team.

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    Soft Pastels


    Gorgeous mixed pastel flowers, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied pastel bouquet will be made bespoke by a member of our team. Photo is an example but flowers will vary.

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    Soft Pastels


    Gorgeous mixed pastel flowers, hand chosen and tied by a member of our team so no two bouquets are the same. This beautiful handtied pastel bouquet will be made bespoke by a member of our team. The listed photo is an example but flowers will vary.

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